Thursday, February 28, 2013

50 Facts About Me


So at the moment, I'm on an airplane flying to California! Since I live on the east coast the flight is a bit long and I'm just now beginning to get bored... (。>皿<。) But, this boredom gave me the idea to write a new post for you guys that'll give you the chance to know a bit more about me! *applause* I thought I'd tell you 50 random facts about me so here goooooes!

1. I'm 5'5

2. I'm a sophomore in high school

3. Even though I was born in 97 I had the ultimate 90's kid life

4. I'm currently licking Nutella out of a plastic container........

5. I've been homeschooled all my besides kindergarten and preschool (that does really count though, right?)

6. My Nutella is all gone now :c

7. From the ages 8-11 I went through the biggest tomboy phase EVER. It's quite disturbing and embarrassing when I look back on it...

8. Although I dance 13 hours a week, I don't think I'll ever want to go into dance full time later in life.

9. When I was little, I wanted to be a zookeeper and take care of elephants more than anything

10. I get obsessed with stuff very easily and become obsessed with new thing so often that it's weekly occurrence on occasion...

11. I've had about 5+ hamsters in my life since the age of 2 or 3 that were all named Bingley (yes, Mr. Bingley from Pride and Prejudice!) and all looked exactly alike!

12. I used to own a horse named Rose but she had to be out down because she had problems with her legs :c

13. My cat is my best friend and I love her more than anything

14. I've had an extreme love for elephants all my life, I wrote a book about elephants when I was quite young, and I have a giant stuffed animal elephant named Ellie (I was a very creative child) that I've had longer than I can remember. She still lives on my bed c:

15. I hate mushrooms, green beans, and tomatoes more than anything.

16. I used to be able to play the piano REALLY well when I was 9 but I stopped taking lessons when my teacher moved. I still remember one song ^_^

17. I have one sister who's 2 years younger than me

18. I have no relatives that live less than 500 miles away from me

19. I was in New York visiting family during 9/11 although I don't really remember it

20. I've seen Les Miserables (the film 5 times and am ready to see it 5 million more times!

21. I cried 37 different times whilst watching Les Miserables (the film) for the 5th time.... Don't even ask why

22. Milk is the most disgusting thing in the world to me and the only time I'll have it is with cereal but there can't be too much

23. I adore Asian food!

24. I wanna move to California!

25. I want to go to Paris more than words can express

26. I've been taking French for 5 years but I can't speak fluently at all

27. I skipped 7th grade

28. Doctor Who is my all time favorite tv show

29. I would loooove to go to beauty school after I graduate

30. I'm pretty sure I might have short term memory loss

31. I can only watch one movie at a time unlike some people who can watch 5 in a row, I get to jumpy and distracted by the end of one!

32. Inception is one of my favorite movies and I know almost every line in it

33. I used to do yoga with my mom when I was 4

34. I'm in sweat pants of pjs for 90% of my week and I won't get dressed if I don't have to

35. Sometimes I talk in my sleep

36. I used to fall out of my bed every night so my parents always put a pillow on the edge of my bed

37. I really really really really like bananas

38. My hair was jet black when I was born, but it's light brown now

39. Breakfast is my favorite meal

40. I can make some mean deviled eggs ;)

41. My grandma gave me the nickname "Rose Petal Cheeks" when I was really like because I had big, soft cheeks

42. My middle name is Joy and all of my life that same grandma has said "Oh boy, oh boy, it's Rachel Joy!" every time she sees me!

43. My best friend and I used to have the worlds biggest obsession with Phantom Of The Opera and were Phantom and Christine for Halloween one year

44. Batman is my favorite superhero

45. I've grown up reading and watching Harry Potter and they have and always will be my favorite books and movies

46. I watched Kim Possible from the day the show started to the day it ended

47. I've had multiple nightmares about the giant pickle from Veggie Tales

48. I have the very bestest friends <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">
49. The theme of my room is inspired by Paris in Autumn :)

50. And last but not least, Lilly lives in the house opposite mine and we've been best friends ever since she moved in 8 years ago!

Welllll I hope you enjoyed my extremely random facts about me! I might write a post or two while I'm on vacation but most likely I won't so I just wanted to let you guys know! Thanks for reading once again!


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Just Relax...

Bonjour mes amies! ;*

Tonight I felt like doing a quick post on something non beauty-related.  No matter if you're in middle school, high school, college, or living the average adult life, it's so easy to get stressed and wound up in all of the craziness of this generation!  Taking moments to relax are so important and will honestly make you appreciate every day a little bit more.  So, as you might've guessed, I'm gonna be giving you some ways to relax :)

  • When I'm a bit overwhelmed with school, I like to go make a cup of tea (green tea during the daytime, and Celestial's Sleepytime Tea at night), head into my room and sit on my bed.  While I'm sitting and sipping on my delicious tea, I take a few deep breaths (all through my nose, it makes such a difference!) and try to block out all of the crazy thoughts going through my head.  Sometimes it can be difficult to block so many thoughts so if you're easily distracted like me, put on some headphones and listen to some slow, relaxing music.  The Lumineers, Sleeping At Last, Bon Iver, and Mumford and Sons are some of my favorite bands that always manage to get me relaxed and in a fabulous mood.  Try to avoid texting or going on any social networks until you've finished your tea.  After this 5-10 minute period of time, you should feel very refreshed :)
  • If you're looking for some extreme relaxation and have some time to spare, I HIGHLY recommend doing some yoga!  You can either go and take a class or just do it at home!  If you're unfamiliar with yoga and can't make it to a class, there's a fantastic app I just found called Yoga Studio that has over 100 yoga poses and gives step by step instructions for each one.  It also has a bunch of different pose sequences that you can choose from depending on whether you're at a beginner or intermediate level!  If you can make it to a yoga class though, definitely go for it!  I recently took my very first Bikram yoga class and it was INCREDIBLE!  If you've never heard of Bikram yoga, it is a special combination of yoga poses and breathing exercises and done in a room with a temperature between 110-120 with 40% humidity.  So basically you sweat buckets for 90 minutes but after, you feel absolutely amazing.  Honestly, it does feel a bit like you're dying of heat during the class, but the results make it soooo worth it!  It's also a great workout that doesn't feel like a workout!  It may be a little scary to take a Bikram class so just a regular yoga class will work just as well!
  • One of my most favoritest things to do is read!  Reading is also a fabulous way to relax.  Getting lost within the pages of a book is a truly inexplicable feeling and the greatest form of magic in my opinion.  There are so many amazing novels out there and the best way to get away from a stress-filled day is to escape into another world where all of your worries can be set aside for a while.  A couple of my favorite books are the Harry Potter books (obviously), The Divergent trilogy (Divergent and Insurgent. The last one still hasn't come out!), The Night Circus, Delirium, Pandemonium, The Maze Runner, The Fault In Our Stars, The Hunger Games trilogy, and soooo many more!  Curling up with a good book is my favorite form of relaxation :)
I really hope you enjoy these tips!  Feel free to comment telling me about your favorite ways to relax because I'd love to hear them!  I hope you all have a brilliant week and don't forget to take moments to relax :)

Rae <3  

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stay Kissable

Hey Beauties!

     So I know its the middle of winter and spring is fast approaching but for now we may be at a loss as to how to take care of those beautiful lips. Here are some of the best solutions I've found as to how to take care of those smackers!

                    DIY Lip Scrub That’s Good Enough to Eat! 
So I personally made my own lipscrub using this recipe and of all of the recipes, this is by far the best!  All you have to do is add equal parts of these ingredients together and voila!  and I made my scrub and put it inside and old lush sample container. I generally use this everyday while I'm doing my hair if I know that I'll be wearing lipstick

These rules of thumb will also help with lip care, all these wonderful tips are packed into one neat place!

I've also found this to come in handy while I'm doing my lipstick, weather you're going subtle or amping it up, these are the best tips all organized into 10 simple rules!                                         

 And last but not least, here's one of the best explanations I've found that gives a great visual to make those gorgeous lips full and kissable!

So there you go beauties! Follow these rules and you'll have irresistible lips, for whenever the occasion may arise ;)

Xoxo Lilly

Sunday, February 17, 2013

20 Dollar Makeup Challenge

Hey Beauties!

So one of our favorite make up tags that has been circulating on youtube has been the 20 dollar makeup challenge. The rules are pretty simple, you must purchase everything for your completed look (tools included!) for under 20 dollars. Rach and I did this together and the look we came up with is a simple, every day look that can be used all the time. The products that we gathered weren't all found in the same place but these product lines are carried mainly by drug stores, such as Walgreens or CVS and one of our favorite stores, Ulta! Anything else can be found online and will be indicated below as to where we got them, enjoy!

      So to start out with a foundation I used the Ulta brand Fabulous Face Illuminating Foundation in Classic Ivory for 2.99 at Ulta. Apply the foundation to your face using your fingers, working the foundation for sheer, to full coverage.

  Now for the eyes! I picked the Rimmel London eyeshadow trio in Orion. I took the largest coppery color and applied it to my lids using my finger and then used the applicating sponge that came with the trio to apply the matte brown color to my crease. Then to finish it off I used my ring finger to work the white into my brow bone.
     Next for the eyeliner. The eye line I chose, I found on sale at Ulta for .99 cents. This is the Essence eyeliner in Black 01. It is a simple black eye pencil that can be used in many various ways. I used it simply to line my upper and lower lash lines in black.

     Next to finish off the eyes with mascara! The mascara that I found is the ELF 3-in-1 mascara in black for 3.00 found either on line at or most Target stores.  This mascara is one ELFs newest mascaras and both lengthens and volumizes lashes. I applied from the base of the lashes to the tips also applying the mascara to the lower lashes.
     The next step for my everyday makeup look is the blush and bronzer. I used the Contouring Blush and Bronzing Powder duo from ELF that can also be found at or Target stores for 3.00. This blush and bronzer I applied by pressing the powder to your pointer and middle fingers and then working the blush onto the apples of your cheek. The same can be done with the bronzer.


      Finally to finish off my everyday makeup look I decided on a NYX round lipstick in Indian Pink. I can not express to you how much I love these lipsticks, they're only 3.99 and can be found either on line and at Ulta stores. Indian Pink is a sleek pink that is an easy light weight lipstick that won't smudge or crack.

     So that's it for our 20 dollar makeup challenge! Leave a comment below and let us know what you think, or tell us your 20 dollar make up look!

xoxo Lilly

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Follow Us on Twitter and Instagram!

Hey dolls!

Sooo, the other day we created a Twitter and an Instagram!  If you'd like to follow us that would be absolutely fabulous!

Our username for both accounts is: LillyRaeBeauty

We hope that this will help spread the word about our blog and be a good chance to be able to update you guys when we don't have the time to write a full post!

Thanks for reading!


Lilly and Rae <3


What do you think of our new layout? We're still working on bits and pieces but we adore it!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Single On Valentine's Day? Not A Problem!

Hey loves!

So as you all know, Valentines Day is tomorrow!  You may not have a special someone to share it with, but I assure you, you can have just as fabulous a day on your own or with a couple girl friends!  Here are a couple ideas for you! ;*
1.   A super fun and girly idea is treating yourself to an at-home spa day!  There are hundreds of different DIY face mask recipes you can find on Pinterest of Google! Paint your nails too while you're at it!  (If you'd like, I could do a post on some of my favorite masks :))  You can either do this with a couple of girlfriends or on your own, which can be just as fun!

                      outdoor movie nights
 2.   Even though this picture is outside, you can create a very similar set up in your basement or bedroom!  Movie nights are sooo fun and there are so many different themes you can have!  You can watch some romantic films in honor of vday like The Notebook, you could watch some classic chick flicks like Mean Girls or A Cinderella Story, you can have a classic Disney movie marathon and watch all of your favorite princess movies, or you could watch some Audrey Hepburn classics like Breakfast At Tiffany's or Sabrina!  Whatever you decide, movie nights are a great way to have a spectacular night!  Once again, you can do this on your own, or with some girl friends! :)

                                         Valentines Cookie Stacks from @bigbearswife

3.  If you're feeling creative, go ahead and make yourself some valentine-themed treats!  I found this picture on Pinterest and it's such a cute and simple idea!  All you need if your favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe (you can do any type of cookie you'd like!), you can make your own frosting or you can buy some from the grocery store, and last but not least, you'll need some adorable heart sprinkles!

                                       Pink Bubble Bath

4.   Take a bubble bath!  Luscious, pink bubbles are the best way to go.  Settle down in clouds of pink with a good book and take a couple moments to forget everything else and just relax.

I hope you enjoyed these fun Valentine's Day ideas and I wish you all the very best holiday!


Friday, February 8, 2013

Simple Everyday Makeup Tutorial

Hello lovelies!

First off, I wanna say sorry for not posting at all.  I guess I just kind of forgot about posting with all of the crazy holiday business going on and the beginning of my dance competition season!  I'm gonna make a goal to start posting more often now :)

So over the holidays, I was gifted the Urban Decay Naked 2 palette on my birthday and I love it SO MUCH.  It honestly such an amazing palette and I highly recommend it!  It's a bit pricey, but I think it's worth it if you're looking for a good palette!  I also adore the lip gloss and the brush that came with it!
This look is very natural, quick, and easy, and it's perfect for an everyday look when you don't have much time to spend on doing your makeup!  I only used 2 shadows, Bootycall (a shimmery champagne color) and Chopper (a nice sparkling copper).  You don't need the palette to achieve the look, any champagne and copper colored shadows will do!

  1. First things first, you're going to want to put on on an eyeshadow primer to keep your shadows on all day long!  My personal favorites are Two Faced Shadow Insurance and Urban Decay Primer Potion :)
  2. Using a flat shadow brush (or your ring finger which works just as well), spread Bootycall all over your lid. This shadow also works as a highlighting color so also place some in the inner corner of your eye and beneath your brow bone to brighten up your eyes!
  3. Next, blend Chopper into your crease and outer corner.  I also like to blend some onto the outer half of my lid as well to make sure there aren't any harsh line and the shadow fades nicely :)
  4. If you want a more natural look, finish off by lightly lining your eyes with a brown eyeshadow, a bit of mascara and some neutral lip gloss.  If you want to spice it up a bit, apply some black liquid liner (I like to wing mine), a couple coats of mascara, and luscious red lips!

I hope you enjoyed this super simple and quick eye tutorial!  Be on the look out for more posts coming soon :)
