Hello loves!
Today I'm gonna be sharing 3 of my all-time favorite bloggers! I usually read each of these blogs regularly throughout the week. Just as a quick disclaimer, I'm not being paid to promote these bloggers and all of these opinions are completely my own. These girls are so fabulous and deserve a lot of love for their work!
So this first blog is probably my favorite out of the 3! It is written by theeee most adorable girl names April (her screen name is Jasmine Blu) and she is honestly one of the sweetest girls ever! I've been lucky enough to talk with her a couple of times through twitter and she's super nice :3 Shes blogs about skincare, fashion, a bit of beauty stuff, and she gives great reviews for a ton of online shopping websites and products! She shares the same Lush obsession as me and she posts some really amazing homeade face mask recipes and give awesome skincare advice! Also, her sense of style is sooo adorable and her OOTD's are always the best. She is an overall HUGE inspiration to me <3 Go give her some love and take a peek at her blog! She also just started a YouTube channel so go check that out as well!
April's YouTube channel is: Hijasmineblu
April's blog URL is: www.jasmineblu.blogspot.com
The next blogger is Zoe or Zoella! She's from the UK (I'm extremely jealous) and she is the cutest girl EVER! She is absolutely gorgeous and she has the most beautiful long hair c: She started out as a blogger and as her readers grew, she started a YouTube channel (which is my personal goal)! She still blogs often about beauty, fashion, and her everyday life along with keeping up with her YouTube channel which is quite impressive. Her blog layout is my all-time FAVORITE out of all the blogs I've seen! Go take a look at her blog and check out her channel! <3
Zoe's main YouTube channel is: zoella280390
Zoe's vlog channel is: morezoella
Zoe's blog URL is: http://www.zoella.co.uk/
Last but not least, I have Elle and Blair Fowler's blog! If you're into beauty in fashion (which you probably are since you're reading my blog!) then you've probably heard of them before! They're two sisters from Tennessee who starting making beauty and fashion videos on YouTube for fun. Eventually their viewers went up, they moved to LA and now they're extremely successful! They're both so gorgeous and they have some really amazing makeup and hair tutorials and great fashion ideas! Both of their tastes in fashion are stellar!!! After they became pretty popular they started a blog together where they write about their lives, beauty and fashion tips, tricks, and ideas, and also some organization tips too! Definitely go check them out if you haven't already because they're truly amazing! After all, they are the two girls that inspired Lilly and I to start this blog together! We both loooove their blog so we figured since we're basically sisters, we should start a blog together like theirs! I appreciate their dedication to their viewers and readers and I really look up to both of them and aspire to be like them <3
Elle and Blair's blog URL is: www.elleandblair.com
Elle's main YouTube channel is: AllThatGlitters21
Elle's vlog channel is: ellesglittergossip
Blair's main YouTube channel is: juicystar07
Blair's vlog channel is: otherjuicystar07
So I hope you enjoyed this post! I seriously recommend checking out all 3 of these blogs cause I can't stress how fabulous they all are enough! Comment below with any of your favorite bloggers! :3
Also, one of my best friends, Carolina (Caro-LEE-nuh ;) ) just started a beauty and fashion blog as well! Her URL is: http://carolinaelizafashionandbeauty.blogspot.com/ so go check her out cause she's just starting and she deserves more readers!
I hope you all have an exquisite week! <3

I've been awarded the Liebster award and wanted to nominate you! I found your blog through mutual followers and love it! I think you are so cool! Can't wait to hear your answers!
the link will answer all the questions you might have.
xoxo, Daniela